1) How are SteadiWare utensils different from other utensils? Our utensils are designed to virtually halt hand tremors, while in use, by utilizing a patented grip handle which targets the tremors themselves. Our competitors only target the stability of the utensil, not the stability of the hand itself.

2) Do the utensils require charging? Our utensils do not require any batteries or accessories and are always ready to use at any time. Just pick up your SteadiWare utensils and go!

3) Are the utensils dishwasher safe? Yes! SteadiWare utensils are designed to be durable and dishwasher safe.

4) Will the final product look exactly like the utensils pictured? The utensils you receive will be similar in design and function to those prototypes pictured. Improvements will be made to the refinement of the finish and the color of the handle.

5) How long will it take to receive my order? We plan to ship SteadiWare orders following funding and production. Check our website for further updates.

6) Can I participate in the campaign if I live outside the U.S.? Yes, we are excited to have individuals all over the world benefit from the unique design of our utensils.

7) How can I contact you? You can contact the SteadiWare team directly through our email, support@steadiware.com and feel free to visit our social media pages to message us on any questions you may have.

8) How can I invest in this company? For more information on investment in SteadiWare, contact us at press@steadiware.com